I know. I know.
But, oh do I have some shit to tell you guys...
Stay tuned.

Dee: Really Bitch? You bring us up here and ditch us BOTH. I DROVE all the way from Ohio to kick it with you and I've seen you one time in 2 days. I want the money for the rental. I could have stayed at home for this shit!
Me: And how do you leave her and I together? It just so happens that we get along. What if we didn't? You just didn't give a fuck. You lied about this whole trip!
Jacky: I don't have time for this right now. Damien and I have plans today.
Me and Dee: FUCK Damien!
Dee: He's not even cute. You got me bent! Have you been brainwashed?
Damien: Why are you yelling at her like this? You are so disrespectful to your friend. You're not treating her like a friend.I stood up.
Me: You, sir, should shut the fuck up and stay out of this or get out of MY hotel room!
Damien: I don't have to go anywhere. What are you going to do? Move me?
TJ: She doesn't have to move anybody. I'll gladly do it for her.I couldn't help but think that he was even HOTT-ER when he was angry...GRRRR! OK...wrong time, I KNOW, but he was MAN-Candy!
Jacky: Jazz, don't talk to him like that, he doesn't have to go anywhere.
Damien: *Looking at TJ* And who the fuck are you?
TJ: I....
Me: TJ...doesn't have to explain ANYthing. AND he is correct. I don't have to move anybody and neither does he. I don't know if YOU forgot BITCH, but this hotel room is in MY NAME. I will happily call security on both of you. So tread lightly DA-MI-EN.
Dee: But like I said, I want the money for the rental, before I leave tonight. I don't care if it comes from the BUM or YOU, but it better come from someone.
Jacky: I don't have to give you anything!
Jacky and Dee were nose to nose at this point.
Dee: Really Jacky, you would fight me over HIM? He lives in Toronto. What the hell are you going to do when we get back to Ohio?
Jacky: What do you mean?
Me: It means that we're not even friends. At this point, we're enemies.
Jacky: You guys would stop being my friend over something so stupid?
Me: Stupid? You tricked me! You tricked me for 6 years...I don't even know you. You let this lame ass come in here and chose him over US? Your Friends??? You should have come by yourself if you were that thirsty for affection. I mean you can't get a man in Ohio, so you have to travel all the way to Toronto? Is your self esteem really that low? Where did you meet him anyway...on Facebook? WOW.
Dee: And you're sleeping over his parents house? Nasty bitch, what THEY must think of you...