Well Hell-O,
I must admit, I missed this blog...I didn't miss work AT ALL, but I missed writing. This has become a part of my life as much as everything else and I LOVE all the feedback! I've also met some really awesome people since starting this.
I actually went to Toronto, Ontario and had an AMAZING time, and of course, I have stories...I'm working on those posts now, but I'm rambling...
So, I know this is Wednesday, but we are going to have VIDEO DAY!
Another installment of Party Girl Plus One... Watch, laugh, comment:
MY THOUGHTS: Wow, I can really relate to this one! Watching this is what reminded me of my Cry Me a River dating story. I mean this guy was a mess! He dated the chick for THREE months, it had been a year and a half since they broke up and he's still crying like a biatch?
I also thought I was the only one who took a pre-date drink to calm nerves. I do this when the guy is REALLY cute and I'm nervous...One (or two) shots of Cuervo and I'm GRRRREAT!
Have you ever had someone obsess about their EX on a date? Or worse...cry about it?
For more info about Party Girl Plus One and Jen Dawson, visit http://www.partygirlplusone.com/!
Toodles Biatches!
yea i went on a date with a guy and all he talked about was his ex girlfriends!! yea great start mate..... see ya lol
That is NEVER OK. I actually don't like to talk about EXes AT ALL. My philosophy is that you learn from it and move on. Me hearing about your past dating history is NOT going to help us, especially since I am only hearing one side of the story!
The first three months after my now wife broke up with her former and started living with me, she'd cry at least once a week about how lost she felt without him. She didn't want to return to that relationship, but had just grown very dependent on him. All this panic and insecurity finally disappeared in time.
I blamed myself for my ex dumping me via get well card for like three years but hey I was mentally ill at the time, lol. Even I would have been thinking of just legging it out of there when he said 'three months'. I wouldn’t talk about an ex on a date especially on the first one for two reasons, reason 1- who the hell wants to hear about that? Reason 2- telling your date the reason your ex left you tells your date the reason you aint getting date 2, lol.
Great vid, I had a dinner date with a guy who all through the first course kept calling me Laura so I finally got annoyed and said 'My name is Emma not Laura', he starts crying in front of everybody and confesses Laura was his ex and he only asked me out because I look like her. Needless to say I left in a hurry but not before stopping off at the restaurant bar and getting a bottle of very expensive wine put on his tab which I drowned my sorrows with later, lol.
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