Who wants to go backwards after you've made progress?
I'm talking about the EX of course. The EX was demoted from boyfriend/girlfriend status for a reason.
Of course they want you back, because your AMAZING!
I recently saw my EX from two years ago at a party on Saturday.
Ours was not a good break-up... Well it was, until he called me TWO WEEKS later to tell me about every girl he had ever cheated on me with. (I know, right?)
I had a "WTF?" moment and then realized I really didn't care.
I had let go of him months ago because he was a complete
Skeeze. <<<<< Is that a word? Oh well, it is now; my blog, my rules.
Anyways, he hasn't seen me in maybe a year or so and much has changed. My mindset and me physically. I don't want to sound conceited, but I look waaay better now. LOL!
Needless to say, when he saw me, he had to pick his face up off the floor.
I wish I had taken a camera the moment was priceless.
My hair and makeup...flawless.
Dress...classy and showed off just enough.
Shoes...4 inch Jessica Simpson's...grrrrr!
Every girl has a moment when they look in the mirror and its like... DAMN! That was me on Saturday.
After he had gotten over his astonishment, he asked me how I was doing and blah, blah, blah...
Then, he asked me for my number...I've had the same number for 3 years now.
I told him he couldn't have it; he then asked me was it the same and proceeded to ramble off my phone number FROM MEMORY...
SIDE NOTE: Who remembers phone numbers anymore unless its like your mom or someone you dial constantly? I mean, all of my numbers are saved in my phone, for the sole purpose of me NOT having to remember them.
I lied and said no... (HAHAHA) and walked away.
Fast Forward to the end of the night. I'm walking in my door and my phone rings and its a number I don't recognize.
In a drunk and sleepy haze, I answer it.
Guess who decided to try my "old" number after all?:
Me: Hello?
The EX: Oh, you lied about your number?!
Me: (craaaaaaaaap) Can I help you?
The EX: You don't want to talk to me?
Me: Not really and especially not at 3 in the morning.
The Ex: Can we hang out sometime?
Me: Ha Ha Ha Ha...Absolutely Not.
The Ex: Why, are you still mad about me breaking up with you?
He called back twice that night and one time the next day. I think he has given up.
I felt all fantastic (and still do) about how that turned out. It was like a Maury Povich "you effed up and look at me now shit-head!" moment.
Pressing the big red ignore button never felt so damn good.
Moral to the story boys and girls: Do not go backwards. You may have changed, but more than likely your Ex is still the same douche you broke up with.
Take it as a learning experience and move on with the satisfaction that they still haven't gotten over your Fabulous Self and someone else is willing to treat you better.